Monday, February 18, 2019

Prefabricated Structures in India by Supertech India Pvt. Ltd.

Prefabricated Structures in India by Supertech India Pvt. Ltd.

The emergence of prefabrication in architecture has been admired for its potential to increase productivity and efficiency without sacrificing quality. Developing countries which include India, China, Africa and many parts of South America are beginning to rely on prefabrication structures due to their potential advantages like quick construction, affordability and eco-friendly nature.

History of Prefabrication Construction in India

Prefabrication building construction in India began with the emergence of the Hindustan Housing Factory which was developed by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. 

This step was as a solution to the housing crisis resulted from influx of refugees from West Pakistan in 1950s. The purpose of Hindustan Housing Factory (HPL) was to produce low-income housing solutions for the shortage in India.

The quality and durability of Prefab construction is much higher when the components are manufactured in a stable environment such as factory. 

This has gained popularity in India where today, prefabrication construction is durable, modern as the material used are more efficient, safer from climatic damage and can be reused in the material stream.

Traditional construction method which involve the usage of timber molds or shuttering for roof spans and any other kind of structure have a short lifespan and due to the huge demand of construction in the peak season, they are often unavailable. 

The prefabricated methods of roof construction remove the issues of timber molds and shuttering. The introduction of prefabrication to the logistic section has been a good initiative to modern construction. Currently Prefabricated Buildings Technology is used in construction of school, aircraft hangers, Supermarkets, Metro Stations, Stadiums, Cold Storages, Showrooms, Offices, Bus Shelters etc.

Prefabricated Manufacturing and construction will continue to grow in India due to the increasing demand for affordable housing and commercial construction. Most of the Prefabricated Structures Manufacturing companies are emerging within India to serve the increasing demand of commercial and housing construction for the fastest growing population and economy in the world.

1 comment:

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